
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Massnick Bot

Simple lightweight massnick bot for discord, written in JavaScript.


Run instructions

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/stevancorre/massnick-bot.git
cd massnick-bot

# Install dependencies
npm i

In order to run the bot, you'll need to get a Discord bot token.

  • Go on the discord's website, then developper portal. Go under applications.
    • If you don't have an application already configured, click New and choose any name.
  • Go under Bots, click Add Bot, then click Copy (under your bot's token).
  • Rename config.default.json to config.json and change its content to:
      "token": "your token",
      "prefix": "command prefix"
    • executeOnMention allows (true) or not (false) the bot to execute command on mention

Now, you can run the bot

# Run
node .

To invite the bot in your server,

  • Go in your application, click OAuth2
  • In Scopes, select Bot
  • In Bot permissions, select Administrator
  • Go on the link that has been generated

How to use

Check ping



<prefix>massnick <nick>