
The Ada Developers Academy Jump Start program, which is intended for anyone who is interested in beginning their journey into coding.

Ada Developers Academy Jump Start Curriculum

This repository contains the materials for the Jumpstart program as part of Ada Developers Academy.

Preparing for Ada

These lessons will expose you to our core values, help you identify your learning styles, and teach you the art of problem solving

Order Lesson
-1 Applying to Ada
00 Social Justice
01 Learning Styles
02 Problem Solving

Preparing to Code

In these lessons you will learn how to navigate MaxOSX, learn about the languages that Ada teaches, start using the terminal, and setup your development environment

Order Lesson
03 Effective Internet Searching
04 MacOSX Keyboard navigation
05 Ada programming languages
06 Terminal
07 Environment Setup

Learning to Code

These lessons will introduce you to the fundamentals of programming including writing your first program, learning programming vocabulary, and learning to store and interact with data

Order Lesson
08 Hello World
09 Comments, Data types, Mathematical operators, Keyboard input, Strings
10 Relational operators, Logical operators, Conditionals
11 Iterators
12 Arrays
13 Hashes