
Ansible playbooks and Vagrant lab to installa MongoDB OpsManager

Ops Manager bootstrap

Provisions Ops Manager (from scratch or from existing setup) and its agent onboard of nodes.

Full manual at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MoAGrNox3NRJu4dUhUhY8jWEUr_UFQ8mHbTGCejMhic/edit?usp=sharing

This repo includes a Vagrant lab for demo purposes:

  • 1 Ops Manager server;
  • 3 machine RS for Ops Manger DB;
  • various machines to build test RS and Shards.

Getting started

Vagrant plugin requirements

  • vagrant-proxyconf allows guests to go to the Internet, necessary in heavily proxied environments.
  • vagrant-hostmanager manages the hosts file on guest machines (reference).
  • vagrant-hostsupdater adds an entry to your /etc/hosts file on the host system.
  • vagrant-scp is nice to copy stuff from/to guests.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-scp

Building the lab

Bring up infrastructure:

cd demo_infrastructure
vagrant up # watch out for sudo password requests
cd ..

Run vagrant hostmanager to update guests' hosts files for VMs mutual visibility.

Run vagrant hostsupdater to add hostname mapping in your /etc/hosts before continuing since the local playbooks refer to the hosts by name.

Now configure Ops Manger server and its RS:

cd ansible
sudo ansible-playbook -i mongo.local mongo_ops.yml

Wait for Ops Manager to come up, takes some minutes due to first run schema initializations. You can tail -f /opt/mongodb/mms/logs/*log for updates.

Then, surf to http://opsmanager:8080/, add first user and configure Ops Manager. Refer to official guide.

After the server has been correctly initialized, create a new managed cluster:

  1. Generate API key and take note of mms base url and cluster id.
  2. Fill these info in ansible/mongo_agent.yml.
  3. Run ansible-playbook -i mongo.local mongo_agent.yml

Verify the agents are started on the web UI.