

Primary LanguageJava

Seriously Good Software

Source files

These are the source files for the book "Seriously Good Software", published by Manning.

This repository is self-contained (dependencies included). You can compile it from the command line or import it in your IDE (Eclipse project file is included).

You need at least Java 9 to compile this project.

Most source files are different versions of the same Container class. So, they are all called Container but sit in different packages. For example, eis.chapter2.reference.Container is the reference (baseline) version.

Some classes with a "main" method:

  • eis.ReflectiveUseCase runs the standard use case on all compatible container versions (you must compile those versions first)
  • eis.chapter2.reference.UseCase runs the standard use case on eis.chapter2.reference.Container
  • all other UseCase classes in various packages

Other fun things to try:

  • Run jUnit on eis.chapter6.UnitTests. From the command line (in /src):

    javac -cp .:../libs/junit-4.12.jar eis/chapter6/UnitTests.java
    java -cp .:../libs/junit-4.12.jar:../libs/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore eis.chapter6.UnitTests

  • Run code coverage tool jacoco on eis.chapter6.UnitTests and obtain an HTML report. From the command line (in /src):

    1. Collect info:

      java -javaagent:../libs/jacocoagent.jar -cp .:../libs/junit-4.12.jar:../libs/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore eis.chapter6.UnitTests

    2. Generate the report in the "coverage" folder:

      java -jar ../libs/jacococli.jar report jacoco.exec --classfiles . --sourcefiles . --html ../coverage/