
get window covered region:

#include <windows.h> #include <dwmapi.h>


using wnd_t = HWND;

bool IsWindowCovered(wnd_t hwnd, QRect rect) { if (!hwnd) { return false; } bool bIsCovered = false; RECT hwndRect = { 0,0,0,0 }; if (rect.isEmpty()) { ::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &hwndRect); } else { hwndRect.left = rect.left(); hwndRect.right = rect.right(); hwndRect.top = rect.top(); hwndRect.bottom = rect.bottom(); }

HRGN rgn = ::CreateRectRgn(hwndRect.left,

HWND desktopWin = GetDesktopWindow();
HWND hParentWnd = ::GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_PARENT);
HWND hChildWnd = hwnd;
while (hChildWnd != nullptr) {
	HWND topWnd = ::GetTopWindow(hParentWnd);
	do {
		if (topWnd == hChildWnd) { //���hChildWnd�Ѿ��ڵ�ǰz�򶥲�����Ͳ����ٱ�����
		RECT topWndRect = { 0,0,0,0 };
		::GetWindowRect(topWnd, &topWndRect);
		RECT tempRect = { 0,0,0,0 };
		//�ɼ���������С�����������洰�ڣ���Ҫ�ж��Ƿ��ڵ��Ĵ������ཻ���� ���п�����סĿ�괰��
		if (::IsWindowVisible(topWnd)
			&& topWnd != desktopWin
			&& !::IsIconic(topWnd)
			&& IntersectRect(&tempRect, &topWndRect, &hwndRect) != 0)
			BYTE alpha;
			BOOL success = GetLayeredWindowAttributes(topWnd, nullptr, &alpha, nullptr);
			if (success && alpha == 0) {
				topWnd = GetNextWindow(topWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
			HWND ownedWin = GetWindow(topWnd, GW_OWNER);

			if ((ownedWin != nullptr) || (ownedWin == nullptr && hParentWnd == desktopWin)) {
				char className[1024] = { 0 };
				char winTitle[1024] = { 0 };
				GetClassNameA(topWnd, className, 1024);
				GetWindowTextA(topWnd, winTitle, 1024);

				// work with desktop window
				if (strcmp(className, "WorkerW")
					&& strcmp(className, "Progman")) {
					if (strcmp(className, "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow")
						|| strcmp(className, "ApplicationFrameWindow")) {
						int pvAttr = 0;
						DwmGetWindowAttribute(topWnd, DWMWA_CLOAKED, &pvAttr, 4);
						// equals 0 means the window is visible
						if (pvAttr != 0) {
							topWnd = GetNextWindow(topWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
					if (!QString("2333").isEmpty()) 
						//LOG(INFO) << " window title: " << winTitle
						//	<< " window class: " << className
						//	<< " HWND: " << topWnd
						//	<< "rect: (" << topWndRect.left
						//	<< "," << topWndRect.top
						//	<< "," << topWndRect.right
						//	<< "," << topWndRect.bottom
						//	<< ")";
					HRGN topWndRgn = ::CreateRectRgn(topWndRect.left, topWndRect.top, topWndRect.right, topWndRect.bottom);
					int cbRet = ::CombineRgn(rgn, rgn, topWndRgn, RGN_DIFF);
		topWnd = GetNextWindow(topWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
	} while (topWnd != nullptr);

	hChildWnd = hParentWnd;
	hParentWnd = ::GetAncestor(hParentWnd, GA_PARENT);
	if (hChildWnd == GetDesktopWindow()) {
DWORD uRegionSize = GetRegionData(rgn, sizeof(RGNDATA), NULL);  // Send NULL request to get the storage size
char* pRawRgnData = new char[uRegionSize];
RGNDATA* pRgnData = (RGNDATA*)pRawRgnData;   // Allocate space for the region data
DWORD uSizeCheck = GetRegionData(rgn, uRegionSize, pRgnData);

QPainter painter;
if (uSizeCheck == uRegionSize) {
	DWORD nCnt = pRgnData->rdh.nCount;
	if (nCnt == 0) {
		bIsCovered = true;
	else {

		HDC hdc = GetWindowDC(desktopWin);  // ��ȡһ���ɹ���ͼ��DC���������ֱ������������
		HPEN hpen1 = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0)); // ������ɫ1���ؿ��ȵ�ʵ�߻���
		HBRUSH hbrush1 = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 255));     // ����һ��ʵ����ɫ��ˢ
		// ��hpen1��hbrush1ѡ��HDC��������HDCԭ���Ļ��ʺͻ�ˢ
		HPEN hpen_old = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, hpen1);
		HBRUSH hbrush_old = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, hbrush1);
		//PaintRgn(hdc, rgn);
		FrameRgn(hdc, rgn, hbrush1, 2, 2);
		// �ָ�ԭ���Ļ��ʺͻ�ˢ
		SelectObject(hdc, hpen_old);
		SelectObject(hdc, hbrush_old);
return bIsCovered;


int desktopDraw() {

HDC hdc = GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow());  // ��ȡһ���ɹ���ͼ��DC���������ֱ������������

HPEN hpen1 = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0)); // ������ɫ1���ؿ��ȵ�ʵ�߻���
HPEN hpen2 = CreatePen(PS_DASH, 5, RGB(0, 255, 0));
HBRUSH hbrush1 = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 255));     // ����һ��ʵ����ɫ��ˢ

HBRUSH hbrush2 = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);// ����һ��͸���Ļ�ˢ

// ��hpen1��hbrush1ѡ��HDC��������HDCԭ���Ļ��ʺͻ�ˢ
HPEN hpen_old = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, hpen1);
HBRUSH hbrush_old = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, hbrush1);

Rectangle(hdc, 40, 30, 40 + 200, 30 + 50);// ��(40,30)����һ����200���أ���50���صľ���
SelectObject(hdc, hpen2);  // ��hpen1��hbrush1��Ȼ����(40,100)��Ҳ��һ�����Σ������кβ��
SelectObject(hdc, hbrush2);
Rectangle(hdc, 40, 100, 40 + 200, 100 + 50);

Ellipse(hdc, 40, 200, 40 + 200, 200 + 50);// ������Բ����
MoveToEx(hdc, 0, 600, NULL);// ����(0,600)��(800,0)��ֱ�߿���
LineTo(hdc, 800, 0);
SetPixel(hdc, 700, 500, RGB(255, 255, 0));// ��(700,500)�������Ƶ㣬���������ֻ��һ���ش�С����ϸϸ�Ŀ������ҵ�

// �ָ�ԭ���Ļ��ʺͻ�ˢ SelectObject(hdc, hpen_old); SelectObject(hdc, hbrush_old);

return 0;
