
Postgres ORM in Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Weekend Lab - Postgres in Node

We'll be building our Object Relational Mapper. Wikipedia describes Object Relational Mapper as

Object-relational mapping (ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping) in computer science is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages.

We will be writing the necessary code to connect our Node App to Postgres to update a resource, instead of a fixed array.

Using the sample app provided, please fork and clone.


  • Install grunt-cli with:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Make sure that grunt-cli works by running:
$ grunt --version

You should see something like this:

grunt-cli v0.1.11
  • Setup your local database using the schema file.
  • Update person.js so all methods work with with Postgres to handle items.
  • Construct a form to make this all work from the web.

##How to get started

  1. First start by loading your schema.sql file provided to configure your database with the necessary rows and columns.

  2. Run the tests by typing grunt watch. As you change your code, the tests will keep running. Use a separate terminal window or a split for this.

  3. You will be writing the necessary methods to interact with your database in person.js.

  4. After you verify each of the methods in person.js are working. You can only then work on the forms needed to make this a complete web app.


Pat your self on the back if you get it, this will be a lot work.

##Super Bonus Make a constructor called Record with static methods such as:

  • .findByor .findByName or .findById
  • .all
  • .destroy
  • .create

And a prototype method for update. Refactor your code so that Person will inherit from Record
