
Package for creating onboarding flows for your app to explain the features of the app in a seamless ways to you users.

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Flutter App Onboarding



Import the package into your pubspec.yaml

  app_tutorial: ^currentVersion

View the example project to see how to use the package.


Property Description Type Required Default value
globalKey The Global Key of the component you want to focus on GlobalKey yes /
child Widget to show on the screen when this item is active Widget yes /
color Color of the overlay Color? no Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
borderRadius Radius of the border of the higlighted item Radius no Radius.circular(10.0)
radius Radius of the ShapeFocus.oval shape double? no null
shapeFocus Shape of the focus element ShapeFocus.oval, ShapeFocus.square, ShapeFocus.roundedSquare no ShapeFocus.roundedSquare
  • show() - the show () method, receives three parameters, the context, list of tutorial items you created and the onTutorialComplete callback.
Tutorial.showTutorial(context, items, onTutorialComplete: () {
  // Code to be executed after the tutorial ends
  print('Tutorial is complete!');
  • skipAll() - the skipAll() method receives the context parameter and ends the onboarding process
This package is a separated fork of this package.