Celtra frontend task

This is the repository for a frontend task I was by Celtra, as part of the interview process.

Received instructions

Circular slider

Create reusable circular slider class in javascript (as shown in image below). Make sure to optimize the code for mobile performance.


  • when creating new instance of the slider, pass in the options object
  • multiple sliders can be rendered in the same container (see image below)
  • each slider should have his own max/min limit and step value
  • value number (on the left in the image) should change in real time based on the slider’s position
  • make sure touch events on one slider don’t affect others (even if finger goes out of touched slider range)
  • slider value should change when you drag the handle or if you tap the spot on a slider
  • the solution should work on mobile devices
  • without the use of any external JS libraries
  • use GitHub to source your code (make sure you commit early and often)


  • container
  • color
  • max/min value
  • step
  • radius

Example image

Example image