Discord selfbot video

Fork: Discord-video-stream <3


  • Playing VP8 / H264 video in a voice channel (go live, or webcam video)
  • Transcoding video to VP8 / H264 and audio to opus (using ffmpeg)


What I implemented and what I did not.

Video codecs

  • VP8
  • VP9
  • H.264

Packet types

  • RTP (sending of realtime data)
  • RTX (retransmission)

Connection types

  • Regular Voice Connection
  • Go live



Ffmpeg is required for the usage of this package. If you are on linux you can easily install ffmpeg from your distribution's package manager.

If you are on Windows, you can download it from the official ffmpeg website: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html


Example: Repo

Install the package, alongside its peer-dependency discord.js-selfbot-v13:

npm install discord-stream-client@latest
npm install discord.js-selfbot-v13@latest

Create a new client, new StreamClient and login:

import { Client } from 'discord.js-selfbot-v13';
import { DiscordStreamClient } from 'discord-stream-client';

const client = new Client();
const StreamClient = new DiscordStreamClient(client);

// StreamClient.setVideoCodec('VP8'); // H264 is default

const token = 'token';

await client.login(token);

Make client join a voice channel and create a stream (Screen Share):

// Connect to a voice channel
const voiceConnection = await StreamClient.joinVoiceChannel(
	client.channels.cache.get('voice channel id'),
		selfDeaf: false,
		selfMute: true,
		selfVideo: false,
// Create a stream
const streamConnection = await voiceConnection.createStream();
// Create a player
const player = StreamClient.createPlayer(
	'http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4', // DIRECT VIDEO URL OR READABLE STREAM HERE
	streamConnection.udp, // UDP connection
// Events
player.on('start', () => {
	console.log('Started playing');
player.on('finish', () => {
	console.log('Finished playing');
// Play video !!!
// Stop playing