Airline Project

  1. Prepairing.
  • Download Git (use latest source Release for your Operating System) and install it.

  • Download Java Development Kit (last version required for your Operation System) and install it.

  • Download Maven (last version required for your Operation System) and install it.

  1. Clone and setup project as following:
  • open system console ('cmd' on Windows or 'terminal' on Linux);
  • make project directory and open it (cd directory);
  • inside that directory execute command: git clone
  • inside cloned structure open folder 'aircraft' and execute command: mvn install
  1. Run application (from 'aircraft' folder) by:
  • Linux: java -classpath ./target/classes/ process.Main
  • Windows: java -classpath \target\classes\ process.Main

(i) Documentation is placed in archive file