
Make a persistent domoticz container PDQ

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Make a persistent domoticz container PDQ




Feel free to make an issue or pull request here


make auto

should ask you any pertinent questions and bring up a container running domoticz

DockerHub Usage

docker pull joshuacox/mkdomoticz

Temporary demo of domoticz1

 @docker run --name=domoticz \
        --privileged \
        --cidfile="cid" \
        -d \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -v $(DATADIR)/config:/config \
        -v $(LOGDIR)/log:/log \
        -t joshuacox/mkdomoticz

or simply use the temp recipe from the Makefile

make temp


First run an instance like above with make init and then use the 'grab' recipe to make grab it's data dirctory:

make grab

or manually

        mkdir -p datadir/domoticz
        docker cp `cat cid`:/config  - |sudo tar -C datadir/ -pxf -

Note this only need be done once to grab the files and directory structure from within /config in the running image and write them out to our volume mount

then kill off the original container and run the persistent image

make clean
make run

or manually

 @docker run --name=domoticz \
        --privileged \
        -d \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -v `pwd`/datadir/config:/config \
        -t joshuacox/mkdomoticz


master / stretch
  • pulls and runs joshuacox/mkdomoticz from github by default
  • pulls and runs joshuacox/mkdomoticz:arm from github by default
  • builds locally using local-debian this branch should work on any architecture given debian also runs there (and therefore debootstrap)

there are branches for raspberryPi as well, checkout the arm branch to pull my image from docker hub, or use the local-stretch to build locally though it should be noted you'll need a locally built stretch image named local-stretch, I have another Makefile repo for that as well. Merely make stretch and a local stretch image can be built using debootstrap (which is available in most distribution [even ones not based on debian])

CLI options

You can add command lines opts by adding them to DOMOTICZ_OPTS

i.e. to change verbosity to debug

echo '-verbose 2'

Here's the current list of opts:

Usage: Domoticz -www port -verbose x
        -www port (for example -www 8080, or -www 0 to disable http)
        -wwwbind address (for example -wwwbind or -wwwbind
        -sslwww port (for example -sslwww 443, or -sslwww 0 to disable https)
        -sslcert file_path (for example /opt/domoticz/server_cert.pem)
        -sslkey file_path (if different from certificate file)
        -sslpass passphrase (to access to server private key in certificate)
        -sslmethod method (for SSL method)
        -ssloptions options (for SSL options, default is 'default_workarounds,no_sslv2,no_sslv3,no_tlsv1,no_tlsv1_1,single_dh_use')
        -ssldhparam file_path (for SSL DH parameters)
        -wwwroot file_path (for example /opt/domoticz/www)
        -dbase file_path (for example /opt/domoticz/domoticz.db)
        -userdata file_path (for example /opt/domoticz)
        -webroot additional web root, useful with proxy servers (for example domoticz)
        -verbose x (where x=0 is none, x=1 is all important, x=2 is debug)
        -startupdelay seconds (default=0)
        -nowwwpwd (in case you forgot the web server username/password)
        -nocache (do not return appcache, use only when developing the web pages)
        -log file_path (for example /var/log/domoticz.log)
        -loglevel (0=All, 1=Status+Error, 2=Error , 3= Trace )
        -debug    allow log trace level 3
        -notimestamps (do not prepend timestamps to logs; useful with syslog, etc.)
        -php_cgi_path (for example /usr/bin/php-cgi)
        -daemon (run as background daemon)
        -pidfile pid file location (for example /var/run/domoticz.pid)
        -syslog [user|daemon|local0 .. local7] (use syslog as log output, defaults to facility 'user')