
It's a deflationary coin smart contract.

Primary LanguageSolidity

What is the Reflection token?

Reflection tokens allow holders to earn passive returns from transaction fees by simply holding onto their assets. On every transaction theirs a transaction fee. For the SafeMoon token, it was 10% but now it's going to change to 1%.

SafeMoon 10% Tokenomics fee on SWaP

  • 5.0% Reflections (SAFEMOON)
  • 5.0% Liquidity generation

Similar to SafeMoon I built a Deflection token. It takes a 2% transaction fee on every transaction.

  • 1.0% Reflections (DFL)
  • 1.0% Burn (DFL)

What is the Reflection?

1.0% Reflections means 1.0% of the transaction amount will be distributed among the holders.

How to use this Smart Contract?

Deploy this smart contract on Remix any testnet. take ownership of the token then transfer some amount to another address. From this address transfer some amount to the 3rd address 2.0% transaction fee will be cut and 1.0% will be redistributed among the holders.