
FanPool allows you to search for your favorite artist's releases from a regularly updated database of album releases (Discogs.com API).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Band release tracker

Dive in to your favorite artists

Technologies/API used:

(Thank you to jsTutorials team for pagination tutorial: https://www.js-tutorials.com/jquery-tutorials/simple-example-pagination-using-jquery-bootstrap/)





* Lists all releases by artist and thumbnail image
* links to Discogs marketplace

User Stories:

    * As a user I would like to be able to keep up to date on all the releases of my favorite artists.  This includes what they have released, pricing, and availability.
    * As a user I would like this data to update real-time
    * As a user I would like to be able to generate a report of the band's release stats

    * As a user I can search for a band, or artist of my choosing and browse a list of their releases
    * As a user I can view an image of the album cover
    * As a user I have access to a link for the release on the Discogs Marketplace

Stretch Goals/Future Goal:

* Lists count of available listings for individual release
* List average pricing of individual release
* Add user login and store data to their account
* Add ability to export/embed data in site for cases like fan pages
* RSS Feed for music news