Advent Of Vue 2022 - Gift Search Bar

It's my first time properly playing with Vue 3's Composition API here.

My own personal TODOs:

  • findProducts implementation
  • Debounce
  • Loading and error states (I chose to forgoe alert)
  • Style it up with some product cards
    • Thumbnails
    • Price
    • Discount sticker
    • Star rating
  • Load more / pagination
  • No results

What I learned:

  • composition API basics
    • reference vs ref
    • SFC <script setup>
  • some TailwindCSS basics
    • how to add and extend the colour palette

Forked README below 👇🏻

If you didn't get here from an email, read this section! Skip it otherwise.

Advent Of Vue is a series of 24 Vue coding challenges that are sent out every day from December 1 to December 24 via a dedicated newsletter. If you'd like to receive more of these puzzles in the future, go ahead and sign up!

Problem description

You're tasked with building a debounced search bar for products from DummyJSON's product API. In case you're not familiar with the concept of debouncing, it's a technique that allows one to delay a function's execution until a specific amount of time has elapsed since the last call.

For this challenge, you'll need to add a 300-millisecond delay to the findProducts function. You can make use of readily available debounce implementations, or try writing one yourself.

You'll also need to display a generic loading spinner/message, and if the function executes successfully, place suggested products' names and price tags inside an unordered list. Otherwise, use native alert() to show a generic error message.

If the search term gets reset back to an empty string, clear the search suggestions too.

Recording of an example solution


Maciej Pędzich (Mac):


DummyJSON project by Muhammad Ovi.

Based on a Stackblitz project by tony19