
Primary LanguagePython

Adopter: Automated Deep Learning Optimization via DSL-based Source Code Transformation

Official implementation for our paper "Automated Deep Learning Optimization via DSL-based Source Code Transformation", ISSTA 2024.


 ├── dsl.py              Domain-specific langiage (§3.1)
 │                       and model structure abstraction (§3.2)
 ├── pattern_matcher.py  Pattern matching (§3.3)
 ├── refactor.py         Synthesis-based code transformation (§3.4)
 ├── ...
 ├── models/             Hugging Face models used for evaluation
 ├── benchmarks/         Benchmarking Optimization Rules (§4.4.4)
 └── results/            Generated patches and statistic results
      ├── stat_adopter.tsv    Adopter performance    (§4.4.1)
      ├── stat_comby.tsv      Baseline performance
      ├── stat_adopter.tsv    Ablation study         (§4.4.3)
      └── time.tsv            Runtime overhead       (§4.4.5)

Deep Learning Optimization

Adopter includes 9 deep learning model optimization rules.

Name Description Source
BertSelfAttention BertSelfAttention with xformers’ attention ops xformers
T5Attention T5Attention with xformers’ attention ops xformers
GPT2Attention GPT2Attention with xformers’ attention ops xformers
softmax A drop-in replacement to torch.nn.softmax triton
Dropout_LayerNorm Fusing Dropout and LayerNorm epoi
biased_GeLU Fusing biased Linear and GeLU activation epoi
Conv_BatchNorm Fusing Conv2d and BatchNorm2d PyTorch
Linear_BatchNorm Fusing Linear and BatchNorm1d PyTorch
fused_QKV Fusing three Linear layers as q, k, and v in encoder slapo


  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python Version: 3.9.10
  • PyTorch Version: 2.0.1
  • CUDA Version: 11.7
  • Python dependencies:
    • python_graphs
    • ast
    • gast
    • astunparse
    • importlib
    • inspect

Run Adopter

git submodule update --init     # initialize submodules
python3 main.py all 
python3 main.py all ablation    # ablation study

Checkout Evaluation Result

cd results
python3 compare.py

Check out the .tsv files under the directory results/.

Optimization Benchmarks

Please follow benchmarks/benchmarks.ipynb to check out the results.


If you find our work helpful, please cite:

  title={Automated Deep Learning Optimization via DSL-based Source Code Transformation},
  author={Ruixin Wang, Minghai Lu, Cody Hao Yu, Yi-Hsiang Lai, and Tianyi Zhang},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'24)},