
Demonstrates using angular with tastypie and restangular

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular with Restangular example for Django developers

This is a simple todo app that demonstrates using the following stack:

  • Django
  • TastyPie for RESTful interface
  • Angular for MVC Javascript front-end framework
  • Restangular for interacting with tastypie

Angular traditionally uses ngResource for network communication. This app uses restangular, a recent project that adds missing features when consuming RESTful resources.

More details are available in this talk.


Run the following to get started:

git clone git@github.com:ailling/angular-tastypie-example.git
cd angular-tastypie-example
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create / clear some todos:

./manage.py create_todos    # create some todos
./manage.py clear_todos     # clear created todos

Run the server and visit http://localhost:8000

./manage.py runserver