
Validate that an API is FiatConnect compliant.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FiatConnect Validate is a test suite for validating a FiatConnect-compliant API.

While this may be useful in developing a FiatConnect-compliant API, it is still strongly recommended that Cash-In/Cash-Out providers follow best practices and write their own unit and integration tests specific to their implementations.




Make sure you have a copy of the FiatConnect OpenAPI spec on your device, since it is used for schema validation.

Setup a config file (remember to customize):

echo BASE_URL=https://some.api.fiatconnect.org > .env
echo OPENAPI_SPEC=/path/to/swagger.yaml >> .env
echo QUOTE_OUT_MOCK=quoteOutNigeriaCUSD
echo FIAT_ACCOUNT_MOCK=accountNumberNigeria
echo KYC_MOCK=personalDataAndDocumentsNigeria

Alternatively, you may use a pre-defined environment. Note that you still may need to customize, for example by filling in client api keys. For example:

cp .env.paychant .env

Run all validation:

yarn validate

Run specific tests (see Jest documentation for --testNamePattern).

yarn validate --testNamePattern='quote'

Validating Webhooks

Validating webhooks takes a few additional steps that need to be done prior to running the script:

  1. Register a client api key for the validate script with your API. Send webhooks for this client api key to https://liquidity-dot-celo-mobile-alfajores.appspot.com/fiatconnect/webhook/<provider-id>. (Remember to replace <provider-id> with your actual provider ID.)
  2. Add provider-id and client api key as environment variables to this script. ex: CLIENT_API_KEY=<insert-key>, PROVIDER_ID=<provider-id>
  3. On discord, reach out to a Valora Engineer and request that they add your API to the allow list. Privately supply them with your Webhook Signing Private Key and the <provider-id>.
  4. After a Valora Engineer has added your API to the allow list you may run the validation script with the CLIENT_API_KEY and PROVIDER_ID variables to validate webhooks.


If you see an opportunity to improve this repo, perhaps by increasing test coverage or making existing tests easier to debug, please open a pull request and tag @fiatconnect-devs in the FiatConnect Discord channel.
