
[ICML 2024] Floating Anchor Diffusion Model for Multi-motif Scaffolding

Primary LanguagePython

Floating Anchor Diffusion Model for Multi-motif Scaffolding

This repository contains the source code accompanying the paper:

Floating Anchor Diffusion Model for Multi-motif Scaffolding, ICML 2024.

If you use our work then please cite

    title={Floating Anchor Diffusion Model for Multi-motif Scaffolding},
    author={Liu, Ke and Mao, Weian and Shen, Shuaike and Jiao, Xiaoran and Sun, Zheng and Chen, Hao and Shen, Chunhua},
    booktitle={Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning},


We recommend miniconda (or anaconda). Run the following to install a conda environment with the necessary dependencies.

conda env create -f FADiff.yml

Next, we recommend installing our code as a package. To do this, run the following.

pip install -e .


Downloading the PDB for training

To get the training dataset, first download PDB then preprocess it with our provided scripts. PDB can be downloaded from RCSB: https://www.wwpdb.org/ftp/pdb-ftp-sites#rcsbpdb. Our scripts assume you download in mmCIF format. Navigate down to "Download Protocols" and follow the instructions depending on your location.

WARNING: Downloading PDB can take up to 1TB of space.

After downloading, you should have a directory formatted like this: https://files.rcsb.org/pub/pdb/data/structures/divided/mmCIF/


In this directory, unzip all the files:

gzip -d **/*.gz

Then run the following with <path_pdb_dir> replaced with the location of PDB.

python process_pdb_dataset.py --mmcif_dir <pdb_dir> 

See the script for more options. Each mmCIF will be written as a pickle file that we read and process in the data loading pipeline. A metadata.csv will be saved that contains the pickle path of each example as well as additional information about each example for faster filtering.

For PDB files, we provide some starter code in process_pdb_files.py of how to modify process_pdb_dataset.py to work with PDB files (as we did at an earlier point in the project). This has not been tested. Please make a pull request if you create a PDB file processing script.

Downloading PDB clusters

To use clustered training data, download the clusters at 30% sequence identity at rcsb. This download link also works at time of writing:


Place this file in data/processed_pdb or anywhere in your file system. Update your config to point to the clustered data:

  cluster_path: ./data/processed_pdb/clusters-by-entity-30.txt

To use clustered data, set sample_mode to either cluster_time_batch or cluster_length_batch. See next section for details.

Batching modes

  # Use one of the following.

  # Each batch contains multiple time steps of the same protein.
  sample_mode: time_batch

  # Each batch contains multiple proteins of the same length.
  sample_mode: length_batch

  # Each batch contains multiple time steps of a protein from a cluster.
  sample_mode: cluster_time_batch

  # Each batch contains multiple clusters of the same length.
  sample_mode: cluster_length_batch

Launching training

bash train.sh

which contains

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
export MASTER_PORT=6003
python -m torch.distributed.run \
    --nnodes 1 \
    --nproc_per_node=8 \
    --master_port=29504 \
    experiments/train_se3_diffusion.py \


For non-commercial academic use, this project is licensed under the 2-clause BSD License. For commercial use, please contact Chunhua Shen.


This code is built upon FrameDiff "SE(3) diffusion model with application to protein backbone generation": https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02277