
vim & tmux config

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim configuration with Tmux, Alacritty and Starship


  • make sure to have Plug installed and use the command :PlugInstall in vim to install all the plugins.
  • You can find all the plugins listed in the .vimrc file.



  • Installation guide here: https://starship.rs/
  • Add eval "$(starship init bash)" to your .bashrc or .zshrc


CoC vim plugins to install:

  1. coc-json
  2. coc-tsserver
  3. coc-pairs
  4. coc-eslint
  5. coc-css
  6. coc-html-css-support

with the command :CocInstall <Plugin name>

Nerd fonts

  • Hack patched font for Icons in Vim.

Put all this configuration in the home directory of your Linux system :)

Have fun hacking :] , or coding