
Ansible Playbook Script for some software installation

Primary LanguageJinja


Refer ansible docs here : https://docs.ansible.com/


ansible-playbook -i inventory <playbook-name>.yml 

Below, you will find an Ansible script for installing various applications on an Ubuntu Server 20.04, including:

  1. Apache installation
  2. Docker installation
  3. Node_exporter_prometheus installation
  4. Portainer
  5. Openwhisk
  6. Stop apache
  7. Server simple setup
  8. Wordpress
  9. Node Exporter (Look Prometheus)
  10. Prometheus
  11. Grafana
  12. Traefik
  13. OpenWhisk
  14. NodeRed
  15. n8n.io
  16. cAdvisor (Look Prometheus - *min CPU usage 1% - 2% only)

Note: There are package installations in Docker containers and also 'without-docker' for servers that are not using Docker.