
My Most Commonly Used Snippets


This is a list of most common Linux command lines tips and tricks. Includes both for C-Shell and Bash.

Linux Admin

  • Find where commands/files are

      locate [keyword]
  • Modifying user

      usermod -u uid -g gid [username]
  • IP address

      ip a 
  • To go to another terminal screen


where screen number is the number you want

  • Kill process (savage)

      kill $(ps aux | grep '[p]ython csp_build.py' | awk '{print $2}')
  • kill force

      kill -9 pid
  • grepping for process

      pgrep 'pattern'
  • viewing process tree uncompacted

      pstree -c
  • Run program even when ssh connection is terminated

      nohup [command] > logfile
  • Find process by a certain user

      ps -u username
  • Check logs

  • Check cpu usage every 2 seconds for 5 iterations

      mpstat 2 5
  • Find process by pattern

      ps -fC pattern
  • Kill process by pattern

      kill -f pattern
  • ping different hosts

      echo 'set i = 31 \n while( $i < 99 )\n ping -c 2 cpu0$i \n @ i++ \n end' | tcsh | grep '0 received'


  • Find row based on maximum value of a certain column (looking at second column)

      awk 'BEGIN{max=0}{if(($2)>max) {max=($2);i=($1)}END {print max, i}' 
  • Find and move

      find path_A -name '*AAA*' -exec mv -t path_B {} +
  • Find files large than certain size

      find ./ -size +4G
  • Find files/binaries that was access x mins ago

      find ./ -amin -x
  • Two ways of executing on find results (ok asks for confirmation)

      find ./ -exec rm {} \;
      find ./ -ok rm {} \;
  • Output starting from 25th line

      tail -n +25 file.log
  • Finding characters at the end of the line

      grep '0,0$' file
  • Print every 10 lines

      sed -n "1~10 p" file 
  • Print every 10 lines and 1 line after each of the 10 lines

      sed -n "1~10, +1p" file
  • Only report line numbers for grep

      grep -n file | cut -f1 -d
  • grep showing filename for occurence of fine

      find ./ -name "Makefile" -exec grep AVX {} /dev/null  \;
  • Inline for loop (csh)

      echo 'foreach f ( 1 2 3 )\n echo $f \n end' | tcsh
  • Inline for loop (bash)

      for i in {1..5}; do COMMAND-HERE; done
  • Count column

      head -2 english_dataset.csv |tail -1  | sed 's/[^,]//g' | wc -c
  • Replace substring and save back to file

      sed -i 's/original/new/g' file.txt
  • Find pid using pattern

      pgrep [-afl] [pattern]
  • Kill pids using pattern (-l includes the whole command for the process)

      pkill -lf [pattern]
  • Get hostnames and ips registered

      getent hosts


  • Creating waveform

      uwaveform tape=ricker1 fpeak=(fdommax) dt=(sample rate in seconds) > wavename.su
  • Windowing (selecting) traces by its keys

      suwind < input.su key=fldr min=1201 max=1301 > test.su
  • Splitting su data into multiple files based on keys

      susplit key=sx < input.su
  • Wave viewing

      suxwigb < wavename.su 
  • Get summary of wave (print all traces' header in summary, 0 values omitted)

      surange < wave.su 
  • Converting su files to segy files.

      segyhdrs < wavename.su  
      segywrite tape=wavename.segy < wavename.su 
  • Viewing frequency spectrum of wavelet

     sufft < [sufile] | suamp mode=amp | suxwigb
  • Perc with tpow (for shot gathers)

      sugain tpow < [shotgathers.su]
  • Perc with stacked images (migrated)

      sugain epow < [image.su]
  • Filter out frequency from a to b so that it's amplitude goes from c to d

      sufilter f=a,b amp=c,d < [suwave]
  • Change value of a header property

      suchw  key1=dt key2=scalel a=0 b=25000 e=0 c=0 d=1 < input_su_name > output_su_name
  • Converting CSV file to segy

      a2b n1=[time steps] < [csv file] | suaddhead ns=[time steps] | sushw key=dt a=[sample rate in micro seconds] > [output file name (.su)]
      segyhdrs < [output file name (.su)]
      segywrite < [output file name (.su)] tape=[output file name (.segy)]

Other commands

  • Running MPI

      mpirun -np 3 --machinefile hostfile ./executable argument_files.arg
  • Run only a single testcase for python unittest

      python testMyCase.py MyCase.testItIsHot
  • Disable ssl verification for cloning

      git -c http.sslVerify=false clone [addr]
  • Adding proxy to git (%5C is backslash, %40 is @)

      git config --global https.proxy https://company%5Cuname:password%40@
  • Viewing status of tracked files

      git status -uno
  • Create a new branch, with modified files to be commited to new branch

      git checkout -b [branch name]
  • Revert to certain commit

      git reset --hard [commit_id]
  • Pulling from remote with changes locally

      git stash
      git pull origin [remote branch]
      git stash pop

SCons (Madagascar)

  • Compile everything within directory recursively

      sftour scons lock
  • View plots

      scons view
  • Create pdf out of paper.tex (*tex file in the directory)

      scons pdf
  • Create pdf to read

      scons read


  • Modify numpy arrays by column x and y.

      for ix,iy in np.ndindex(placeholder.shape):


  • Select pbs jobs by user

      qselect -u [username] 
  • View details of pbs job

      qstat -fx [pbs_job_id] 
  • deleting pbs job

      qdel [pbs_job_id] 
  • View nodes configured under PBS

      pbsnodes -aSj