
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started with Create React App


the project is zimmer resevation MERN app. the project inculding BackEndand/FrontEnd validation .

  • Password Validation , Password Requirments such as Upercase,Special Character.
  • Mail Validation.
  • Credit Card Regex for credit card number data and cvv.
  • Unik Variables , such as User (e.g user mail).


For FrontEnd Used :

  • React js
  • Redux
  • bootstrapped
  • css


For BackEnd Used :

  • Express Server, I use one mainserver and Microservers with Handlers for the microserver function.

  • Moongo DB, to save and manage the Database.

How to Install and Run the Project

To install the project follow the instruction :

  • Copy the link https://github.com/aimanzi/zimmer_app.git to clone the project on Visual Studio Code

  • type cd frontend to enter the front end folder.

    • run npm install to install the node_modules to install all used frontend packages :
      zimmer_app\frontend>npm install
  • type cd backend to enter the front end folder.
    • run npm install to install the node_modules to install all used backend packages :
      zimmer_app\backend>npm install

Use the npm start command to run both in backend and frontend

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.


to start using the application the user have to

firstly you have sign up.

then go to login and continue enjo using the App.