SIYI ZR30 Camera ROS2 driver

This repository contains a ROS2 Humble driver for the SIYI ZR30 camera. The driver is based on the SIYI SDK, which can be found here: The SDK is modified as a python package (see Install dependencies section).

Following functionalities are implemented:

  • Camera stream (/msg/Image topic)
  • Camera zoom control (/msg/Float32 topic)
  • Camera gimbal control (/msg/Vector3Stamped topic)
  • Camera manual- and automatic focus control (/msg/Int8 topic)

Setup the package

This package is tested with the following setup:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • ROS2 Humble
  • Python 3.9 (or higher)
  • SIYI ZR30 camera (with up-to-date firmware).
  • SIYI SDK installed (see install instructions below)

Install dependencies

Install python dependencies with pip:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

One of the dependencies is a modified version of the siyi_sdk, which can be accessed in this repository: This repo is modified to handle zoom functionalities of the ZR30 camera specifically.

NOTE: The camera firmware must be kept up-to-date as older firmware might not include functionalities such as Absolute Zoom.

Build ROS2 package

Build with colcon:

colcon build

Source the setup file:

. install/setup.bash

Configure network

The camera must be connected to the same network as the computer running the ROS2 nodes. Configure the computer network to the following settings:

  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask:

The camera will have either of the following addresses:

  • (default)

The camera will expose the following ports:

  • 8554: video stream (RTSP protocol)
  • 37260: camera control (UDP protocol)

The siyi_sdk will automatically connect to the camera through these ports. However, this information can be useful, if the raw video stream is needed, instead of the /msgs/Image topic.

Running the package

Run the camera controller and camera stream ROS2 nodes with the launch file:

ros2 launch zr30camera

If the camera is connected to the network, the camera controller node will automatically connect to the camera and start the stream. If the camera is not connected to the network, the camera controller will timeout after 5 seconds. If the camera is physically connected to the computer, make sure so be a part of the same network as the camera (see Configure network section).

Control the camera actuators

The ZR30 camera can be controlled via the topics starting with /ZR30/set_. This can either be done with a custom node that publishes, or built-in ros2 functionalities.

For instance, setting the camera zoom level to 20x can be done with the following command:

ros2 topic pub --once /ZR30/set_zoom_level std_msgs/msg/Float32 'data: 20.0'

NOTE: the --once argument is important, as the camera zoom will otherwise camera controller node will hang.

Camera control topics

Zoom control

  • /ZR30/set_zoom_level, accepts std_msgs/msg/Float32-type messages. The input values are magnification multiplier format, e.g. 20.0x.

Control message example:

ros2 topic pub --once /ZR30/set_zoom_level std_msgs/msg/Float32 'data: 20.0'

Gimbal control

  • /ZR30/set_gimbal_attitude, accepts geometry_msgs/msg/Vector3Stamped-type messages, where x = roll, y = pitch and z = yaw. The input value units are in degrees.

Control message example:

ros2 topic pub --once ZR30/set_gimbal_attitude geometry_msgs/msg/Vector3Stamped "{header: {stamp: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}, frame_id: 'base'}, vector: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}"

Focus control

  • /ZR30/set_focus, accepts std_msgs/msg/Int8-type messages, where -1 = close focus, 0 = hold focus, 1 = far focus, 2 = auto focus.

Control message example:

ros2 topic pub --once /ZR30/set_focus std_msgs/msg/Int8 'data: 2'

Camera stream

The video stream from the UDP endpoint is parsed to the /ZR30/camera_stream topic in the sensor_msgs/msg/Image format. Alternatively, to obtain the raw RTSP feed, remove the camera stream from the launch file, and obtain the video feed from