Illegal Maritime Activities Monitoring System

Welcome to the Illegal Maritime Activities Monitoring System, a webapp designed to track and manage illegal maritime activities across Indonesian EEZs. This system leverages GLobal Fishing Watch API to provide almost real-time data analytics and monitoring capabilities, ensuring maritime security and compliance with international regulations.

Accesible Links:

Client Application | Admin Dashboard | Web Server

How to view the AI:

AI file |

Run the AI script above to get json

Full AI Implementation Folder

run python script step by step in the folder above to get functioning Map UI (only local, not live server)

Techstack Used:

Frontend Framework & Libraries

react.js| React.js

Leaflet.js| Leaflet.js

APIs & Data Source

GFW| Global Fishing Watch API

ProtectedPlanet| Protected Planet GeoJSON

Backend Framework & Server

Express.js| Express.js

Flask| Flask


PostgreSQL| PostgreSQL

Deployment Platforms

Vercel| Vercel

Glitch| Glitch

Nginx| Nginx


Petra Michael, Defara Putra N., Nikolas Goldy Sulihin, Gregorius Cahyadi