
A benchmark framework for Pytorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Benchmark tool for multiple models on multi-GPU setups. Compatible to CUDA (NVIDIA) and ROCm (AMD).

Pytorch benchmarks for current GPUs meassured with this scripts are available here:

PyTorch 2 GPU Performance Benchmarks


Available and tested:

  • bert-large-cased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, base-base-uncased
  • resnet50, resnet101, resnet152
  • vgg16, vgg19
  • efficientnet_b0 - efficientnet_b5
  • densenet121, densenet169, densenet201

Pretrained versions are implemented for the models bert-large-cased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, base-base-uncased and resnet50. Use them by adding the flag --pretrained.


A benchmark training on 1 GPU with the default training batch size of 64 using the default model ResNet-50 with synthetic data is started with the following command:

python3 main.py

A training of the model ResNet-50 on 2 GPUs with a local batch size of 192 on your own training image dataset and evaluation after each epoch with a seperated test dataset is started with:

python3 main.py --num_gpus 2 --batch_size 192 --eval --train_image_folder /destination/of/your/training/dataset --eval_image_folder /destination/of/your/evaluation/dataset

The training of the language model BERT large uncased on 4 GPUs with a global training batch size of 48 on the included SQuAD dataset is started with:

python3 main.py --num_gpus 4 --model bert-large-uncased --data_name squad --global_batch_size 48 

If you want to evaluate it with the included SQuAD test dataset after each epoch with a global evaluation batch size of 64

python3 main.py --num_gpus 4 --model bert-large-uncased --data_name squad --global_batch_size 48 --eval --global_eval_batch_size 64

If --skip_checkpoint is not set, the model state is saved after each training epoch under --checkpoint_folder. To continue a previous training from a certain epoch, use --load_from_epoch <epoch_no>. F.i.:

python3 main.py --num_gpus 4 --model bert-large-uncased --data_name squad --global_batch_size 48 --eval --global_eval_batch_size 64 --load_from_epoch 10

To use the with PyTorch 2 newly implemented feature model = torch.compile(model) simply add --compile to your comand:

python3 main.py --compile  

The default numerical precision is fp32. To use automatic mixed precision (amp) to get a performance boost, add the flag -amp.

python3 main.py -amp  

By default the module torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel is used for Multi GPU training. To use the module torch.nn.parallel.DataParallel add the flag --parallel

python3 main.py --parallel  

Optional arguments:

-ne, --num_epochs : Number of epochs. Default: 10
-b, --batch_size : Local batch size for training/evaluation. Default: 64
-gb, --global_batch_size : Global batch size for training. Default: 64 * num_gpus
-eb, --eval_batch_size : Local batch size for evaluation. Default: batch size for training: 64
-geb, --global_eval_batch_size : Global batch size for evaluation. Default: global batch size for training: 64 * num_gpus
-ng, --num_gpus : Number of gpus used for training. Default: 1
-m, --model : Model used for training. Default: resnet50
-pt2, --compile : Do optimizations for Pytorch 2. Does not work with Pytorch 1.
-ev, --eval : If given, the model is evaluated with the given validation dataset in --eval_folder or --eval_data_file at the end of each epoch and prints the evaluation accuracy.
-eo, --eval_only : If given, the model is evaluated with the given validation dataset without any training.
-nw, --num_workers : Number of workers used by the dataloader. If not given, 4 * num_gpus is used.
-amp, --auto_mixed_precision : Enable automatic mixed precision.
-dp, --parallel : Use DataParallel for Multi-GPU training instead of DistributedDataParallel. If not given, DistributedDataParallel is used.
-ddp, --distributed : Use DistributedDataParallel even for single GPU training.
-tf, --train_image_folder : Destination of the training image dataset. If not given, synthetic data is used.
-ef, --eval_image_folder : Destination of the validation image dataset. If not given, synthetic data is used.
-lr, --learning_rate : Set the learning rate for training. Default: 1e-3
-slr, --step_lr : Decay the learning rate by factor 10 every given epoch. Default: 30
-ldf, --lr_decay_factor : Change the factor of the learning rate decay. Default: 10
-cl, --constant_learning_rate : Train with a constant learning rate
-sd, --split_data : Splits the given training dataset in a training and evaluation dataset with the given ratio. Takes values between 0 and 1. Default: 1.
-le, --load_from_epoch: Loads model state at given epoch of a saved checkpoint given in --checkpoint_folder. . If -1 is given, the highest available epoch for the model and the dataset is used.
-w, --warm_up_steps : Number of warm up steps in every epoch. Warm up steps will not taken into account. Default: 10
-nt, --no_temp : Hide GPU infos like temperature etc. for better performance.
-f, --use_fp16 : Use half precision. If not given fp32 precision is used.
-mi, --mean_it_per_sec : Plot mean images/sequences per second at the end and save it in the logfile.
-s, --set_seed : Set the random seed. Default: 1234
-ce, --calc_every : Set the stepsize for calculations and print outputs. Default: 10
-lp, --live_plot : Show live plot of gpu temperature and fan speed.
-ri, --refresh_interval : Change live plot refresh interval in ms. Default: 500
-pl, --pred_pic_label : Predict label of given picture with a pretrained model.
-in, --imagenet : Use imagenet for training/evaluation from given path.
-ln, --log_file : Save the logfile in /log/ under given name. If no name is given, '<num_gpus><GPU_name><model_name><batch_size><learning_rate>' is used.
-cf, --checkpoint_folder : Save training checkpoints in given folder name. If not given, the name of the log-file is used.
-cfi, --checkpoint_file : Load checkpoint from given file.
-op, --optimizer : Set the optimizer. Default: SGD
-do, --dist_optim : Use distributed optimizer (ZeroRedundancyOptimizer). (Experimental)
-do9, --dist_optim_190 : Use distributed Optimizer (ZeroRedundancyOptimizer) from torch.distributed.optim (available in Pytorch 1.9.0., experimental).
-dm, --distribution_mode : Set distribution mode: 0 : None, 1: DistributedDataParallel (same as --distributed), 2 : DataParallel (same as --parallel)
-pm, --pin_memory : Use pin_memory = True in the dataloader and set the output labels to cuda(NonBlocking=True)
-bb, --benchmark_backend : Use torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True.
-syn, --synthetic_data : Use synthetic data. Default: False (True, if no data is given)
-ni, --num_synth_data : Number of examples in the synthetic dataset. Default: 100000
-ad, --average_duration : Calculate the average of the durations measured by each gpu. The duration is needed to get the images per second.
-ag, --average_gradients : Average the gradients of the model after each step on the cost of performance (Experimental, no improvement in training).
-pb, --process_group_backend : Choose a different backend for the distribution process group (nccl or gloo). "nccl" is supposed to have more features for distributed GPU training. Default: "nccl"
-lb, --log_benchmark : Write all the benchmark results into the log file.
-na, --no_augmentation : No augmentation of the image training dataset.
-pt, --pretrained : Load pretrained model from --checkpoint_file.
-bt, --benchmark_train : Start training for benchmark.
-bts, --benchmark_train_steps : Number of steps for --benchmark_train.
-dn, --data_name : Own name of dataset used for training/evaluation, if not ImageNet or Squad is used.
-tdf, --train_data_file : For BERT: SQuAD json for training. E.g., train_squad.json
-edf, --eval_data_file : For BERT: SQuAD json for evluation. E.g., eval_squad.json
-msl, --max_seq_length : For BERT: The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter than this will be padded. Default=384
-ds, --doc_stride : For BERT: When splitting up a long document into chunks, how much stride to take between chunks. Default=128
-mql, --max_query_length : For BERT: The maximum number of tokens for the question. Questions longer than this will be truncated to this length. Default: 64
-wp, --warmup_proportion : For BERT: Proportion of training to perform linear learning rate warmup for. E.g., 0.1 = 10%% of training. Default : 0.1
-nbs, --n_best_size : For BERT: The total number of n-best predictions. Default: 20
-mal, --max_answer_length : For BERT: The maximum length of an answer that can be generated. This is needed because the start and end predictions are not conditioned on one another. Default: 30
-gas, --gradient_accumulation_steps : Number of updates steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass. Default: 1
-dlc, --do_lower_case : For BERT: Whether to lower case the input text. True for uncased models, False for cased models.
-v2n, --version_2_with_negative : If true, the SQuAD examples contain some that do not have an answer.
-nsd, --null_score_diff_threshold : If null_score - best_non_null is greater than the threshold predict null. Default: 0.0
-vf, --vocab_file : For BERT: Vocabulary mapping/file BERT was pretrainined on.
-sc, --skip_checkpoint : Whether to save checkpoints
-sca, --skip_cache : For BERT: Whether to cache train/evaluation features
-ctf, --cached_train_features_file : For BERT: Location to cache train feaures. Will default to the dataset directory.
-cef, --cached_eval_features_file : For BERT: Location to cache evaluation feaures. Will default to the dataset directory.
-rnc, --renew_cache : For BERT: Rebuild cache file of training/evaluation data.
-se, --seed : Random seed for initialization. Default : 1234
-nb, --no_benchmark : Don't do benchmark calculations.
-up, --find_unused_parameters : Enabling unused parameter detection by passing the keyword argument "find_unused_parameters=True" to `torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel.
-st, --stress : Stresstest with an infinite dataloader.
-cpu, --use_cpu : Use the cpu instead of gpus.