
install all the things!

Primary LanguageShell



Before you get started make sure you give full disk access permission to your terminal (for writing macos defaults). System Preferences -> Privacy -> Full Disk Access.

(på dansk Indstillinger -> Sikkerhedsindstillinger -> Fuld adgang til disk)

To install:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aimeerivers/dotfiles/main/run.sh | sh

This expands to run.sh which will fetch this repo and run the install script.

Fix Github access

Generate a public ssh key if you don't already have one

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "mailaddress"

Copy the ssh public key to your clipboard

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Enter it at https://github.com/settings/ssh/new

Test that it worked

ssh -T git@github.com

Now you should be able to run intstall again

cd ~/.dotfiles


We had to install using HTTPS. If you want to change to SSH after authenticating with Github, use the following:

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin git@github.com:aimeerivers/dotfiles.git

Synthwave Themes


Go to preferences -> profiles and import iterm2/synthwave.json

Visual Studio Code

Install SynthWave '84

Cmd + Shift + P and Enable Neon Dreams

Install Fix VSCode Checksums

Cmd + Shift + P and Fix Checksums: Apply

Rainbow Themes

Visual Studio Code

code --install-extension visual-studio-code/rainbow-color-theme-0.0.1.vsix

Make changes


This should put you in the right directory and open Visual Studio Code for you to be able to make changes.

If you update the Brewfile

brew bundle

If you update zsh/.zshrc or zsh/.aliases


If you want to reconfigure everything




Be sure to update the user name and email values in the global .gitconfig

zsh theme

The zsh theme is miloshadzic
