Node.js | Express implementation of Twilio Chat
First clone this repository and
into its directory:$ git clone $ cd twiliochat-node
Install project's dependencies:
$ npm install
Edit the following environments vars in the
file. Be sure to replace the place holders with real informationexport TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=Your-Account-SID export TWILIO_API_KEY=Your-Twilio-API-KEY export TWILIO_API_SECRET=Your-Twilio-API-SECRET export TWILIO_IPM_SERVICE_SID=Your-Twilio-IPM-SERVICE-SID
You can find your TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID
in your
Twilio Account Settings.
you need to go
here. There
youl'll be able to create a new API key obtaining the two required values.
you can go here,
where you must create an IP Messaging Service. When the service is created you'll
have access to the service's SID.
Start the development server
$ npm start
Expose the application to the wider Internet using ngrok
$ ngrok http 3000 -host-header="localhost:3000"
That's it
Run backend tests
$ mocha test
Run javascript tests:
$ cd public && npm install && npm test
- No warranty expressed or implied. Software is as is. Diggity.
- MIT License
- Lovingly crafted by Twilio Developer Education.