Lyntmail is a tool that allows influencers, business owner, or anyone that wants to capture user contract informations for a newsletter, to do so in a very simple and a less-tidious fashion.
After creating an account, Lyntmail allows its users to create custom links These links can be shared with the user's followers, any one that acceses these link are required to authenticated using one of the major social network accounts, such as Facebook , Google , Yahoo , and Github.
After doing so, the followers needed data such as Email , Full Name , and Phone number if available, Are forwareded to the link owner.
And like that the user has easily captured a leads contact information within a few clicks.
- ReactJs : Used in order to develop the front-end , to provide the users with a simple and interactive UI
- Firebase :Used in order to handle authentication, both using email and password , as well as Social Media authentication.
- ExpressJs : Used as the backend of the application , to handle users request and have direct connection to the database, as well as do some business logic
- PostgreSQL : Used as a database to store all of the users data
- Docker : Used in order to hold both database and backend in a same contrainer
- DigitalOcean : Used in order to host the docker container on the cloud
PS:Lyntmail was the first web application project that I personally worked on from scratch, there are a lot of mistakes and spaghetti code in there 😅😅😅.