Welcome to the SyliusGoose, which is the place you will find more information about Sylius related things.
This is the list of Sylius plugins, tutorials, community access and other Sylius dev-related stuff.
- BitBag: CMS - Content management system with blocks and pages.
- BitBag: MailChimp - MailChimp newsletter integration.
- BitBag: Shipping Export - Abstraction layer inspired by Payum for exporting shipping data to external API.
- BitBag: DHL24 Shipping Export - DHL24PL integration based on ShippingExportPlugin.
- BitBag: PayU - PayU payment gateway integration.
- BitBag: Mercanet BNP Paribas - Mercanet BNP Paribas payment integration.
- Stefan Doorn: Google Tag Manager
- Stefan Doorn: Google Tag Manager Enhanced eCommerce
- Stefan Doorn: Google Sitemap
- Sylake: SyliusConsumerPlugin
- BitBag: Sylius Raw HTML - Entry point for template development.
- Lexik: Translation Manager - It imports all translations from YML files to the database, allowing operators to change them on the fly.
- Sylake: AkeneoProductBundle
- BitBag: BDD & Resources in Sylius, Intro
- BitBag: BDD & Resources in Sylius, Behat
- BitBag: BDD & Resources in Sylius, PHPSpec
- BitBag: BDD & Resources in Sylius, Sylius Resource (CRUD)
- FriendsOfSylius: How to enable WYSIWYG editor in almost any place in Sylius within 5 minutes