
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Lewd Writer's Assistant (lwassist)

Add-in for google docs to convert scenarios into ActionScript for CoC


Header- and indent-based doc structure:

  • Header 2 that ends with '.as' marks a file
  • Headers 3-5 are methods
  • // comments are stripped from the text and inserted into generated sources as comments
  • Text is wrapped with outputText()
  • Bold and italic formatting is translated into <b> and <i>-tags
  • [if something] are parsed into AS3 branching. [if (something) ] left intact
  • [next something], [choice 9 "Back" method name], [camp] add buttons
  • [do something] translates into a method call.

Syntax highlighting

  • Recognized tags are marked with different font
  • Nested tags have different colors
  • Strikeout, underline, and background colors are ignored

Scene-Document as a Model-View for Coder-Writer interaction

  • Header 3 (config) for API coordination
  • [extends Superclass], in which the coder implements the logic


In Google Doc:

  1. Menu Tools -> script editor
  2. Menu File -> New -> HTML file, name it Sidebar.html
  3. Replace Code.gs and Sidebar.html content with respective files from GitHub repository
  4. Replace 'Untitled project' with "Lewd Writer's Assistant"
  5. Save both files (Ctrl+S)
  6. Close script editor and update the Google Doc page
  7. Menu Add-ons -> menu there's new submenu, go into it, "show". If it asks for permissions to view and edit this document content, "Allow"

Hello, World

(requires already prepared CoC compilation environment)

  1. Create a Header 2 with text Places/TreasureChest.as.
  2. Create four level 3 headers with following content: (until (continued) Hello, World)


[extends TrChstController]


After scouring the area, you fall upon a hidden treasure cache. You may take the gold or distirubute to the [if player.cor<30] peasants [else if player.cor<70] goblins [else] demons [end] for experiene.

Which do you choose? // homm 3 ftw

[choice "1,000 gold" Get Gold]

[choice "500 XP" Get XP]

Get Gold

Placeholder text

[do show me the money] // fill inventory with junk


Get XP

Placeholder text [do fight mimic]

(continued) Hello, World

  1. [ Convert ] in the LWA sidebar

  2. Create 2 files in CoC classes/classes/Scenes/Places folder: TreasureChest.as and TrChstController.as

  3. Copy-paste the generated code from addon to TreasureChest.as

  4. Replace the TrChstController.as with:

package classes.Scenes.Places {
import classes.BaseContent;
import classes.Scenes.Monsters.Mimic;

public class TrChstController extends BaseContent{
	public function TrChstController() {
	public function showMeTheMoney():void {
		// TODO fill inventory with junk
	public function fightMimic():void {
		startCombat(new Mimic(1));
  1. TODO instantiate, call, compile, run, test, rage, sage, report, comment, like, subscribe

(...you see, I really don't want to make it a "learn to mod coc without learning coding". It's a tool for writer ↔ coder interaction)

Syntax reference TBD