
Primary LanguageJavaScript

WsLobby - WebSocket lobby server

A "thin" WebSocket server to allow applications to communicate through.

Clients connect and authorize as hosts or guests and communicate in rooms.

Guests join a room and communicate only with host.

Hosts claim a room, authorize guests who want to join (knocking), can communicate with any guests (broadcast/unicast messages), and kick them from a room.

Any client can be in one room at a time.

The WsLobby protocol is defined in Protobuf. See src/wslobby.proto.


npm run start


npm run start_windows


Will run a trivial sticky auth lobby server that also serves static files from static/ directory.

Environment variables:

  • WSLOBBY_HOST (default
  • WSLOBBY_PORT (default env.PORT or 8081)
  • WSLOBBY_PATH (default /lobby)
  • WSLOBBY_STANDALONE (set to true if running library as a server)
  • WSLOBBY_BUNDLE_URL - zip file to download and extract into static/




Client provides identity, token, and a role to authenticate in lobby. Room claims are authorized by lobby. Join requests are authorized by hosts.

Default implementation allows anyone to claim and join any room. However, it maintains in memory the identity-token and room-host mappings.

Security considerations

For research/testing/proof-of-concept purposes. Do not use in production environment.


Run a lobby. Open demo/demo.html in browser tabs. Authenticate as host and claim a room in one tab, then authenticate as guest and join same room in another.