
100cm - 6cm challenge

Primary LanguageC++


cm challenge where you start at either the minimum/maximum sensitivity and you work your way to the opposite end

( originally 100cm - 6cm challenge )


input your dpi + game + minimum cm + maximum cm, and it'll return a series of sensitivities to use in-game with their corresponding cm value.

supported game inputs and their corresponsing yaw values

if your game isn't already here, you can just type in the yaw value instead.

0.0057295779513 ➜ reflex, r6, siege
0.0066          ➜ d2, destiny2, ow, overwatch
0.006666        ➜ overwatch2, ow2
0.02105         ➜ quakelive, ql
0.022           ➜ apex, battlefield5, bf5, q3a, cs, quake, source
0.0439453125    ➜ doom, qcde
0.051097900391  ➜ val, valorant
0.5715          ➜ fortnite, fn
0.596           ➜ ut
2.22222         ➜ pubg