
To run this code, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Python installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from

  2. Install the necessary packages by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

    pip install selenium tkinter
  3. Download the Chrome WebDriver from the official site: Chrome WebDriver.

  4. Update the chrome_path variable in the login method of the Bot class with the path to your Chrome WebDriver executable.

  5. Create two text files:

    • One containing your bot account credentials (username, password) separated by a comma per line.
    • Another containing the target account usernames you want to interact with, each on a new line.
  6. Run the script. It will open a tkinter window where you can browse and select the files, choose the actions you want to perform

  7. Select the function you want -Mass Follow -Mass DM -Mass story Views -Like and comment on latest post You can Run MUltiple useracoounts at a time Goal: It is used to target specific audience to get reac,followers, likes , viws on social media platforms