
Agnostic Ensemble Technique for Instance Segmentation Models

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Agnostic ensemble algorithm for instance segmentation tasks

Augmentation 1 Augmentation 2 Augmentation 3
Original 0 Original 1 Original 2
Blended Ensemble

Problem Statement

Instance segmentation models are typically trained on a variety of data augmentation techniques to improve generalization. However, the real data may not always contain representations of augmented data that the training set contained. Further, ensemble methods and algorithms to merge predictions from segmentation models are quite verbose.


This ensemble_seg codebase provides a simple, model agnostic interface to blend multiple predictions from an instance segmentation model into single contained predictions. Designed to be simple to use and optimized for speed with Numpy, OpenCV, and Numba powered functions.

How to Use

See the example directory with a full example notebook reading contours from a coco dataset and blending them together. You can also read more here:



pip install ensemble-seg

Detectron2 Predictions

Prepare augmentations and format predictions

# load the image and augment it however many times you want
frame = cv2.imread('/path/to/frame.jpg')

augmented = []
for _ in range(3):

# run the predictions on each augmented image
results = []
for image in [frame] + augmented:
    instances = predictor(image)['instances'].to('cpu')

    # format the predictions
    for i, pred_mask in enumerate(instances.pred_masks)
        mask = pred_mask.numpy().astype(np.uint8)
        bbox = instances.pred_boxes[i].tensor.numpy().astype(np.int32)[0]

        # only keep mask within bbox. set the mask outside bbox to 0
        mask[:bbox[1], :] = 0
        mask[bbox[3]:, :] = 0
        mask[:, :bbox[0]] = 0
        mask[:, bbox[2]:] = 0

        results.append({ 'mask': mask, 'bbox': bbox })

Blend the predictions together!

from ensemble_seg import merge_masks

for group, mask in merge_masks(results):
    # group contains the indices of the masks that were merged
    # mask is the blended mask

For Development


python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel


python3 -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*