Food Recipe Finder
Problem Statement:
We often would like to make some dishes at our home occasionally. For the first timers, it gets difficult to cook from a recipe book. Technology plays a vital role in day-to-day life activities which in turn made great changes in many work fields and out of them Mobile Application is one of the major developments. Mobile Application can be used effectively for this job as they are widely used and are known for easy access.
Proposed Solution:
This project proposes a "Food Recipe Finder" which helps find any food recipe while cooking. With a simple and interactive interface, this app helps anyone find any food recipe within seconds. The Spoonacular API helps in searching through hundreds of thousands of recipes using advanced filtering and ranking. This method combines searching by query, by ingredients, and by nutrients into one endpoint.
Functionality & Concepts used:
- The App has a very simple and interactive interface that helps to find food recipes easily. Following are a few android concepts used to achieve the functionalities in the app:
- MVVM Architecture: MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture is used for decoupling the scalability and increasing readability of the codebase.
- RecyclerView: To present the list of different food items we used the efficient recycler view.
- Flow and Room Databases: For streaming the data asynchronously and saving the data in the local database the Flow and Room Databases are used.
- Navigation Component: Used to allow users to navigate across, into, and back out from the different pieces of content within the app.
- Retrofit: Used for making the network call.
- Glide: Used for image loading.
- Extension Function: Used to extend a class with new functionality.
- The Spoonacular API: Used to help in searching through hundreds of thousands of recipes using advanced filtering and ranking.
Application Link & Future Scope:
The application is fully functional and can be easily downloaded. Here is the link to the entire codebase:
"Health is wealth", keeping that in mind I am thinking about adding a BMI calculator and a system that will suggest nutritious food for individuals according to their BMI rate. This will help people to measure their BMI and also maintain a healthy diet to stay fit.