
world bank loans analysis using kaggle CSV

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


World Bank loans analysis using kaggle CSV

SQL for database

Run database.pgsql on PostgresSQL(this is what I used).

Input to notebook

Sample params.yaml for passing parameters to papermill as input to notebook.
Please populate params with your own details, defined here:

filename : absolute path to location of input csv data file
loan_profile : absolute path to location where field statistics file will be saved.
port: mail server port
smtp_server : mail server hostname
login : mail username
password : mail password
subject : "ETL Pipeline Results"
sender_email : sending email
receiver_email : receiving email
dw_string : database connection string
preserved_file : absolute path for location to save analysed input file for future reference\

NOTE: all paths are required to be absolute paths, eg. /home/username/projects/until/location/of/file

cronjob for running Notebook

nano /etc/crontab
0 8 28 * * papermill loans_assessment.ipynb ~/log/nb_output_$(date ‘+%Y_%m_%d’).ipynb -f params.yaml

Using those two commands sets up a cronjob that will run on every 28th of the month and supply a YAML file with parameters the notebook requires to run and anlyse the data. Papermill is used for running the notebook automatically.\

Output is a notebook with the results of running the cells in the notebook.

If you chose to run the notbook without scheduling it then run this command: papermill loans_assessment.ipynb ~/log/nb_output_$(date ‘+%Y_%m_%d’).ipynb -f params.yaml


I used metabase(https://www.metabase.com/) for frontend.\

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