
The official Sentry SDK for iOS/tvOS/macOS/watchOS

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

Official Sentry SDK for iOS / tvOS / macOS / watchOS (1).

Build codebeat badge codecov.io CocoaPods compadible Carthage compatible SwiftPM compatible platforms Swift Package Index

This SDK is written in Objective-C but also provides a nice Swift interface.


Remember to call this as early in your application life cycle as possible Ideally in applicationDidFinishLaunching in AppDelegate

import Sentry

// ....

SentrySDK.start { options in
    options.dsn = "___PUBLIC_DSN___"
    options.debug = true // Helpful to see what's going on
@import Sentry;

// ....

[SentrySDK startWithConfigureOptions:^(SentryOptions *options) {
    options.dsn = @"___PUBLIC_DSN___";
    options.debug = @YES; // Helpful to see what's going on

For more information checkout the docs.

(1)limited symbolication support and no crash handling.

Sentry Self Hosted Compatibility

Since version 6.0.0 of this SDK, Sentry version >= v20.6.0 is required. This only applies to on-premise Sentry, if you are using sentry.io no action is needed.

Known limitations

  • Because of an open issue in Carthage this SDK can't be used on Macs with Apple Silicon when importing it via Carthage.


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