
Dev machine setup

Primary LanguageLua



  • Set desktop wallpaper

  • Display --> Set up dual displays

  • System Preferences --> Mission Control --> Displays have separate Spaces

  • Mission control --> Add additional desktop spaces

  • Mission control --> Disable Automatically Arrange Spaces

  • Keyboard --> Keyboard --> Modifier Keys --> Change Capslock to Ctrl

  • Install brew

  • Install phantomjs

  • Install byobu

  • Install Hammerspoon

  • Install Powerline fonts in FontBook

  • Install nvm and node

    • Install jshint
    • Install coffeelint
    • Install jsonlint
    • Install phantomjs
    • Install mocha-phantomjs
    • Install grunt-cli
    • Install gulp
  • Install rvm and ruby

    • Install sass
  • Clone configs from github


  • Download solarized
  • Cmd + i
    • Load Presets --> Import --> Solarized Dark
    • Window --> Transparency --> ~10%
    • General --> Copy Preferences to Profile
    • Minimum Contrast --> ~30%
  • Bash word movement shortcuts
    • Preferences --> Global Shortcut Keys
      • Map (Ctrl + Command + h) to (Esc + b)
      • Map (Ctrl + Command + l) to (Esc + f)



  • Install pathogen
    • vim-coffee-script
    • vim-colors-solarized (fork)
    • vim-commentary
    • vim-airline
    • vim-gitgutter
    • vim-json
    • vim-fugitive
    • vim markdown
    • syntastic
    • ctrl-p
    • MatchTagAlways
    • snipmate
      • symlink coffeescript snippets
    • vim-go
    • NERDTree
    • YouCompleteMe
    • typescript-vim
    • UltiSnips
  • source .vimrc from github
  • ln -s ./UltiSnips ./vim/UltiSnips
  • Eclim
    • See troubleshooting tips


  • git config --global user.name "Ainsley Chong"
  • git config --global user.email "ainsley.chong@gmail.com"
  • git config --global core.editor vim


  • tmux source ~/.tmux.conf


  • Symlink to .hammerspoon from Github