
my optionated eslint config. permanent WIP, as I change my mind often

Primary LanguageJavaScript


some eslint rules considered harmful

This is the set of rules, that I really do not want to be applied in most of JS code.

Remember JS is not pascal, nor Java nor ...

vars-on-top Best Practices suggestion

off, please off

no-implicit-coercion Best Practices suggestion

off, please off, or at least adjusted

eshint suggested:

Boolean((policy.insurances || []).find((i) => i.id == id)) 

really ? no way, I want to use JS:

 !!(policy.insurances || []).find((i) => i.id == id);

no-unused-expressions Best Practices suggestion

This is perfectly ok JS (we need no IFs):

doFilter && (obj = filter(obj));

no-self-compare Best Practices problem:

The real problem is if JS reader does nor understand x === x as check for NaN. Again this is JS, Java coders go away please !!!

no-eq-null Best Practices suggestion

off, this is basic JS knowledge, if you do not know this, return to your Java IDE immediatelly please

no-use-before-define Variables problem

This shell be default:

"no-use-before-define": ["error", { "functions": false, "variables": false }],

Hoisting is design, not a bug, and may bring more readable sources



If this is confusing, then really leave JavaScript and code in something else. I do not believe someone can misplace => and <= or misread this in given context.


by alphabet ? no way, there are more logical ways to sort imports


count errors by rule:

npx eslint ./src --quiet  -f json | JSONStream "*.messages.*.ruleId" | jsontool -a | cnt