
Table of Contents


git log // overall history

git config --local credential.helper "" // any account already logged in

git config --global --unset-all

git config --global --unset-all

git config pull.rebase false // Fix unrelated history

git pull origin main

git push origin main


Command Description
git init Initialize the git repository
git status Get the status of the repository
git add . Stage all the files
git add <name> Add a specific file
git restore --staged <file> Unstage the staged files
git commit -m "message" Commit the changes
Command Description
git log View the overall history of the repository
git config --local credential.helper "" Configure local credential helper
git config --global --unset-all Unset global user name
git config --global --unset-all Unset global user email
git config pull.rebase false Fix unrelated history
git pull origin main Pull the latest changes from the remote repository
git branch List all the branches in the repository
git checkout <branch> Switch to a different branch
git merge <branch> Merge changes from a different branch
git pull Fetch and merge remote changes
git push <remote> <branch> Push local commits to a remote repository
git remote add <name> <url> Add a remote repository
git remote -v List all remote repositories
git fetch Retrieve the latest changes from a remote repository
git reset <file> Unstage a file, removing it from the staging area
git revert <commit> Create a new commit that undoes changes made in a previous commit
git stash Temporarily save changes without committing
git tag List or create tags for marking specific points in the commit history
git remote show <remote> Show detailed information about a remote repository


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