
Show OpenWrt Stats on PyPortal (SAMD51 M4)

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Show OpenWrt Stats on PyPortal (SAMD51 M4)

Enable ubus access on OpenWrt

Allow ubus access over uhttpd.

# opkg update
# opkg install uhttpd-mod-ubus

And create on your OpenWrt device a read-only user to be used by setting up the ACL file /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/user.json.

  "user": {
    "description": "Read only user access role",
    "read": {
      "ubus": {
        "*": [ "*" ]
      "uci": [ "*" ]
    "write": {}

Restart the services. This ACL file needs to be recreated after updating/upgrading your OpenWrt firmware.

# service rpcd restart && service uhttpd restart

Check if the file namespaces is registered with the RPC server.

# ubus list | grep file