[CVPR 2024] The official repo for "GaussianAvatar: Towards Realistic Human Avatar Modeling from a Single Video via Animatable 3D Gaussians"
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Training Problems
#58 opened by nagexiaochengzi - 0
#59 opened by hoshizhang - 2
error: GLSL 4.10 is not supported.
#42 opened by Zhibin-Liu - 8
training on own dataset, stage2
#20 opened by serizawa-04013958 - 10
#57 opened by nagexiaochengzi - 0
#56 opened by nagexiaochengzi - 5
RuntimeError: indices should be either on cpu or on the same device as the indexed tensor (cpu)
#41 opened by Chris004869 - 0
Rendering novel pose with train_stage 2
#55 opened by pusacaspica - 0
Training time
#54 opened by RendongZhang - 5
How Can I use render novel pose use stage2?
#33 opened by DuanWei1234 - 0
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Change Background Color
#52 opened by NikoBele1 - 2
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train error for smplx
#49 opened by ZhenyanSun - 1
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Error when trying to run
#27 opened by BoghosDavtyan - 5
How to train by using smpl-x
#12 opened by Xzy765039540 - 3
Custom dataset training
#15 opened by Sumb-Ven - 0
Why do you ignore the scale_loss in stage_2?
#48 opened by gtzly - 1
Errors that occur when using smplx
#47 opened by hoshizhang - 0
Question about the query_lbs and inv_mats
#46 opened by HaiLin545 - 0
Wrong scale when export gaussian splats as *.ply
#45 opened by R132 - 0
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How to modify the batch_size?
#43 opened by hengyu-wang - 6
How to make
#34 opened by IceFtv - 1
Question about training-stage1
#40 opened by LarkLeeOnePiece - 1
Why has the predicted position offset been scaled down before being added to query points?
#38 opened by wyiguanw - 7
CUDA out of memory
#21 opened by Helen-liang - 0
how to obtain new posture data as input
#39 opened by Suanfacayou - 1
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Question about neuman_bike data
#36 opened by LarkLeeOnePiece - 0
Question about the dataset of Neuman_bike
#35 opened by LarkLeeOnePiece - 1
About pose_op_start_iter
#30 opened by Vinci881027 - 1
Some questions in training stage 2
#31 opened by DuanWei1234 - 0
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How to train by using PyMAF-X
#29 opened by qfeawfkejfaoie - 0
Could you clarify how you acquired the file uv_mask512_with_faceid_smpl.npy? Could you rephrase that?Thank you very much
#28 opened by wenxy68 - 0
The issue about
#26 opened by 3DGaussian - 0
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Question about SMPLX
#24 opened by LeeBeen1 - 3
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ImportError: /home/ssl/miniconda3/envs/gs_avatar/lib/python3.10/site-packages/diff_gaussian_rasterization/ undefined symbol: _ZN3c106detail23torchInternalAssertFailEPKcS2_jS2_RKSs
#22 opened by Dragon2938734 - 1
Model checkpoints after train stage 2
#19 opened by RR-28023 - 3
reproduce numbers in paper
#14 opened by hdjang - 0
#18 opened by Tiandishihua - 0
How is the second stage rendered?
#17 opened by Tiandishihua - 1
Request data pre-processing for zju_dataset
#16 opened by wyiguanw - 4
Error poses after training stage1
#13 opened by LinzhouLi - 3
Missed mask images in dynvideo_female sequence
#11 opened by tgeonho - 0
Composite scene rendering
#10 opened by Tiandishihua