
Example project using monocle with premake4 in a standalone project

Primary LanguageC++

Example project showing use of monocle premake script in an external project

The project expects you to have Monocle in the root directory.


To generate project files
Windows: premake4 vs2010
Linux: premake4 gmake

Do it all for me!
Assuming you have git, premake4 installed and available in your system path 
and Visual Studio 2010 installed in the default location the following are 
the commands you would type into the console:

git clone git://github.com/airbash/Monocle-Engine.git
cd OgmoProject
premake4 vs2010
cd Build/gen-vs2010-Ogmo
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
msbuild OgmoSolution.sln
cd ../gen-vs2010-Ogmo-bin-debug
