A collection view layout capable of laying out views in vertically scrolling grids and lists.
- bachand@airbnb
- BobNisco@tryretool
- bryankeller@airbnb
- brynbodayleiOS @Airbnb
- carolineleung
- Cpplu11
- dcaunt@Twitter
- dfedPortola
- enoktateIstanbul
- erichoracek@openai
- franciscoamadoPorto, Portugal
- gonzalonunez@withprimer
- huangboju小红书
- HuynhXinh
- k-lpmg@groo-Inc
- kevwiches@airbnb
- lauraskeltonAirbnb
- leojkwanNew York
- LunarFlashVento LLC
- matthewcheokAirbnb
- n8chur@squareup
- nanoxd@uber
- nicot@heightapp
- prananta
- qhhonx@Bytedance
- randyzhao
- shima11Tokyo, Japan
- smanikandan14Apple
- tchigher
- teradylBike to Everything
- thedrick@airbnb
- voshkvoshk
- yfrancisEppo
- YQqiang
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- ziyadparekh@getsafepay