- 0
RetryableJobsFilter weird behaviour
#729 opened by venantivs - 3
6.2.1-java missing on
#718 opened by nicholasdower - 1
Error notifications are disabled (missing doc?)
#724 opened by SaimonL - 0
Filter user object
#722 opened by camerondrysdale - 11
- 3
Set error_host and apm_host to host by default
#710 opened by vpereira - 3
- 14
- 5
Exceptions with nil for message cause error in v6.1.1
#697 opened by tylerjj - 5
- 2
Performance monitoring scope/features
#692 opened by misner - 1
- 12
- 1
airbrake issues with lack of detail
#678 opened by raosev - 2
- 0
Enable proxy when fetching remote config
#666 opened by koki-sato - 5
Its possible to log the output of all promises?
#662 opened by neohunter - 1
Is Airbrake.merge_context thread safe?
#658 opened by sjain - 9
- 3
- 8
rbtree collides with rmagick on aws linux
#641 opened by createmycookbook - 7
Add GDPR infos about remote configuration
#626 opened by derSascha - 3
AWS Lambda Ruby 2.7
#630 opened by lloydpick - 0
Drop support for Ruby 2.2
#600 opened by kyrylo - 0
Drop support for Ruby 2.1
#599 opened by kyrylo - 0
Drop support for :start_time & :end_time params for Airbrake::PerformanceNotifier
#601 opened by kyrylo - 0
- 3
- 1
- 8
- 1
Test issue created from Airbrake
#568 opened by test1teams - 4
how to disable PerformanceNotifier in logs ?
#565 opened by MathieuDerelle - 11
>4.4.0 <=4.13.0 causing RuntimeError: can't add a new key into hash during iteration
#545 opened by tardate - 0
Multiple `Airbrake.configure` calls append the same filters to the filter chain
#561 opened by kyrylo - 7
Performance logging causes extra unnecessary queries to the database after a request has finished
#550 opened by bubaflub - 7
ThreadError: deadlock; recursive locking in Airbrake::PerformanceNotifier
#553 opened by matiasmelendi - 3
- 14
- 4
- 0
- 2
- 1
Pause APM collection when the account is out of quota
#497 opened by kyrylo - 3
Increase in CPU usage when performance_stats = true
#488 opened by lenon - 1
blacklist_keys nested value
#489 opened by benoittgt - 0
"NoMethodError: undefined method `then' for nil:NilClass" when sending first notice with a promise
#483 opened by kyrylo - 1
NoMethodError: undefined method `versions=' for #<Airbrake::Config:0x0000559552623648>
#480 opened by rgaufman - 1
airbrake:deploy issue with airbrake-ruby (4.2.4)
#471 opened by giovannelli - 3
- 0
blacklist_keys config doesn't work
#460 opened by jiikko - 0
request.env['sinatra.route'] is nil
#457 opened by chris-roerig