- 58cents
- a1300
- apertureless
- bash-c@chaitin
- d0gkiller87de_dust2
- D4rkD0g
- d8ln3x
- danbrodskyVancouver, BC, Canada
- DawugePangu Team
- defunctioNYC
- domenukkGER
- dothanthitiendiettiende
- dsjlzhZero-One Security
- dtpetersFreelance
- enderdzzUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- er28-0652@AllsafeCyberSecurity
- faustocarvaBrazilian Public Prosecutor's Office
- hac425xxx
- henices
- kiritowchHIT
- lifa123china
- marciopocebon
- mmcloughlinAurora Innovation
- noirfate
- oMasko@Alibaba @Meituan @Qihoo360
- OrochisunChina
- plusplusxu
- rainysoul
- rjt-gupta@sslab-gatech
- smagellan
- ufwt
- WinMin@chaitin
- xwlin-roy
- y0n0622
- YourButterfly<optimized out>
- zznop