
Technical test for Android Software Engineer position at Aircall

aircall.io - Android technical test

This test is part of our hiring process at Aircall for Android Software Engineer positions.

Feel free to apply! Drop us a line with your LinkedIn/GitHub/Twitter/AnySocialProfileWhereYouAreActive at jobs@aircall.io


The goal of this test is to make you code a small Android app from scratch. You are free to use the libraries you need and the architecture you find the most appropriate.

This application will use the Github API (https://developer.github.com/).

Your app must implement the following scenario:

  1. Allow the user the login via Github (It should also works with two factor authentication account)
  2. Display list of top Kotlin public repositories
  3. Allow the user to select a repository
  4. Display in the application the key statistics as well as a history of the amount of issues over the past year in 1 week intervals for the selected repository. eg: number of stars, PR, forked, watchers and etc.
  5. Explain how you'd improve on this application design &UI/UX
  6. Explain how you'd improve on this application architecture
  7. Test what you think is necessary


At the end, send a link of your own repository and ping your point of contact at Aircall.

Don't forget to include a README file with the following:

  • Write a brief outline of the architecture of your app
  • Explain your choice of libraries
  • What was the most difficult part of the challenge?
  • Your testing strategy and how you can improve it.
  • Estimate your percentage of completion and how much time you would need to finish