Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

CMTA FA2 Blueprint Implementation

The Capital Markets and Technology Association (CMTA) has published a guide regarding the tokenization a Swiss corporation's shares, as well as a token framework (the CMTA Token, CMTAT), for which a reference implementation in Solidity is available.

The present repository provides an implementation of the CMTAT standard for the Tezos ecosystem, based on the FA2 token standard. There are two main differences compared to the Solidity reference contract:

  • FA2 allows for multiple tokens on the same contract. This of course means that we can have per token an admin who gets the token 'owner' status as per CMTAT. Since 'owner' in FA2 receives another semantic we a use the expression 'token admin' to relate to the 'CMTAT token owner' and 'token owners' for us are what CMTAT calls 'holders'.
  • For gas optimization purposes where it makes sense the entry points have been extended to accept lists. This allows for batched operations.

Warning: Unless you know for certain that all tokens handled by the contract have to be destroyed in case of a “kill”, we recommend deploying/originating one contract per token.


  • Owner (CMTAT): the administrator of a specific token_id (one per token_id).
  • Holder (CMTAT): the token holder (n per token_id). In our context the actual shareholder.
  • Super Administrator: the administrator that can create new assets and/or kill the entire contract.
  • Administrator: the administrator of a specific token_id (one per token_id).
  • Owner: the token holder (n per token_id). In our context the actual shareholder.
  • Batch: allow for multiple changes/executions in one method call. Will always fail for all requests (and revert) in case a single one fails.
  • Plurals: plurals are used in the variable name to signal a list. If the plural does not make sense, we choose the _list postfix.


Token Metadata

We follow the FA2 standard for the metadata specification. The TZIP-16 standard allows to extend the metadata with arbitrary fields. As per CMTAT we are using the following mapping.

Mandatory attributes, applicable to all CMTAT tokens:

Specification Metadata Key
Name name
Ticker symbol (optional) symbol
Token ID (ISIN or other identifier) (optional) fa2 has by default a token ID
Reference to the terms of tokenization, the terms of the instrument, and other relevant documents (e.g. prospectus or key information document). The reference can take the form of an URL, a combination of an URL and of specific directions allowing the user to retrieve the relevant documents (e.g. "[domain].com/shares > Tokens") or a fingerprint. terms
Note that decimals number must be set to zero (which means that the tokens admit no fractional parts). decimals always set to 0

Optional attributes, applicable to tokens used for debt securities:

Specification Metadata Key
Guarantor identifier (if any) guarantor
Bondholder representative identifier (if any) bondholder
Maturity date maturityDate
Interest rate interestRate
Par value (principal amount) parValue
Interest schedule format (if any). The purpose of the interest schedule is to set, in the parameters of the smart contract, the dates on which the interest payments accrue.
Format A: start date/end date/period
Format B: start date/end date/day of period (e.g. quarter or year)
Format C: date 1/date 2/date 3/….
Interest payment date (if different from the date on which the interest payment accrues:
Format A: period (indicating the period between the accrual date for the interest payment and the date on which the payment is scheduled to be made)
Format B: specific date
Day count convention dayCountConvention
Business day convention businessDayConvention
Public holidays calendar publicHolidaysCalendar

You can find a sample token metadata in the metadata folder. Once uploaded to either a static URL or IPFS you can simply convert the UTF8 string of the URI to bytes and set said bytes in the set_token_metadata entry point.

Rule Engine

This reference implementation can either be extended/adapted by code. Or another option if the customization is only on the transferrability you can implement and set a rule_contract. If a rule contract is set, it needs to provide a view_is_transfer_valid(transfer: ValidationTransfer) on-chain view which returns a bool, this view will be invoked on transfer, if it passes (returns true) the transfer will go through, if it fails (returns false) the transfer is rolled back.

The rule engine can be used for use cases like freezing or KYC/DID checks.

Freezing/Unfreezing of accounts

CMTA has in the specifications the ability to freeze/unfreeze accounts. Frozen accounts won't be allowed to send or receive tokens. Because the rule engine is the perfect candidate to handle this, instead of creating the reference implementation inside the CMTAFA2 contract we provide a reference implementation of a freeze rule engine called FreezeRuleEngine. The tests show how this can be used.


The contract allows creating on-chain snapshots which are implemented in a computationally efficient way for entry points with state changes (no loops). Only viewing the snapshot has a loop which scales linearly with the number of snapshots (per token).

The admin of a specific token can schedule 1 snapshot for the future (for that token) using the schedule_snapshot entry point. To reschedule a future snapshot you Schedules a snapshot for the future for a specific token. Only one snapshot can be scheduled, repeated call will fail, to re-schedule you need to unschedule using the unschedule_snapshot entry point first.

On chain, you can check the snapshot values by consuming the views view_snapshot_total_supply and view_snapshot_balance_of.

entry points

transfer(self, transfers)

Slightly adapted FA2 transfer method which includes pause, rule engine and snapshot functionality.

set_identity(self, identity)

Allows a user to set the own identity.


Wipes irreversibly the storage and ultimately kills the contract such that it can no longer be used. All tokens on it will be affected. Only special admin of token id 0 can do this.

unschedule_snapshot(self, token_id)

Unschedules the scheduled snapshot for the given token_id. Only token administrator can do this.

schedule_snapshot(self, token_id, snapshot_timestamp)

Schedules a snapshot for the future for a specific token. Only one snapshot can be scheduled, repeated call will fail, to re-schedule you need to unschedule using the unschedule_snapshot entry point first. Only token administrator can do this.

delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_lookup_key)

Deletes a snapshot for the given snapshot lookup key (consisting of token_id = sp.TNat, snapshot_timestamp = sp.TTimestamp). Only token administrator can do this.

set_rule_engines(self, rules)

Allows specifying the rules contract for a specific token, only a token administrator can do this.

unpause(self, token_ids)

Allows unpausing tokens, only a token administrator can do this.

pause(self, token_ids)

Allows pausing tokens, only a token administrator can do this.

burn(self, token_amounts)

Allows burning tokens on the defined recipient address, only a token administrator can do this.

mint(self, token_amounts)

Allows minting new tokens to the defined recipient address, only a token administrator can do this.

initialise_token(self, token_ids)

Initialise the token with the required additional token context, can only be called once per token and only one of its admin can call this.

remove_administrator(self, token_id, administrator_to_remove)

This removes a administrator entry entirely from the map.

Warning: Administrators can remove themselves. Even the super-administrator.

set_administrator(self, token_id)

Only a proposed admin can call this entry point. If the sender is correct the new admin is set.

propose_administrator(self, token_id, proposed_administrator)

This kicks off the process of adding a new administrator for a specific token. First you propose and then the proposed admin can set him/herself with the set_administrator entry point.

set_token_metadata(self, token_metadata_list)

The definition of a new token requires its metadata to be set. Only the administrators of a certain token can edit existing. If no token metadata is set for a given ID the sender will become admin of that token automatically.

balance_of(self, balance_of_request)

As per FA2 standard, takes balance_of requests and responds on the provided callback contract.

update_operators(self, update_operators)

As per FA2 standard, allows a token owner to set an operator who will be allowed to perform transfers on their behalf.


view_total_supply(self, token_id)

Given a token id allows the consumer to view the current total supply.

view_balance_of(self, ledger_key)

Given a ledger key (consisting of token_id = sp.TNat, owner = sp.TAddress) allows the consumer to view the current balance.

view_current_snapshot(self, token_id)

Given a token id allows the consumer to view the current snapshot timestamp. Can be null.

view_next_snapshot(self, token_id)

Given a token id allows the consumer to view the next snapshot timestamp. Can be null.


Given the snapshot ledger key (consisting of token_id = sp.TNat, owner = sp.TAddress, snapshot_timestamp = sp.TTimestamp) allows the consumer to retrieve the balance in nat of a given snapshot.

view_snapshot_total_supply(self, snapshot_lookup_key)

Given the snapshot lookup key (consisting of token_id = sp.TNat, snapshot_timestamp = sp.TTimestamp) allows the consumer to retrieve the total supply in nat of a given snapshot.

Build/Basic Usage


This project depends only on SmartPy, you can install SmartPy by doing a:

$ sh <(curl -s https://smartpy.io/cli/install.sh)

You can read more about the installation here: https://smartpy.io/cli/

If you feel lazy you can simply open the project in VS Code and allow the devcontainer to be built, it will configure everything for you.


For the project to compile and the tests to run you need to adapt some environment variables.

		"PATH": "${containerEnv:PATH}:/home/node/smartpy-cli/",
		"PYTHONPATH": "/home/node/smartpy-cli/:${containerWorkspaceFolder}",


$ SmartPy.sh compile compilations/cmta_fa2.py out
$ SmartPy.sh compile compilations/freeze_rule_engine.py out


$ SmartPy.sh test tests/cmta_fa2.py out


First make sure you run the compile step above. Also make sure the compile files have been adapted to match your parameters/storage. Then:

$ SmartPy.sh originate-contract --code out/CMTAFA2/step_000_cont_0_contract.tz --storage out/CMTAFA2/step_000_cont_0_storage.tz --rpc https://ghostnet.ecadinfra.com
$ SmartPy.sh originate-contract --code out/FreezeRuleEngine/step_000_cont_0_contract.tz --storage out/FreezeRuleEngine/step_000_cont_0_storage.tz --rpc https://ghostnet.ecadinfra.com

Intellectual property

The code is copyright (c) Tezos Foundation, 2017 - 2023, and is released under Mozilla Public License 2.0.