
Parking application for UB Hacking 2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Parkshare application for UB Hacking 2020



Frontend (JavaScript)

  • axios
  • formik
  • node.js
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-iframe
  • react-router
  • react.js
  • redux

Note: See frontend/package.json for a complete list of our dependencies for JavaScript

Backend (Python)

  • aniso8601
  • attrs
  • bcrypt
  • cffi
  • click
  • Flask
  • Flask-Bcrypt
  • flask-restx
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • importlib-metadata
  • itsdangerous
  • Jinja2
  • jsonschema
  • MarkupSafe
  • pkg-resources
  • pycparser
  • pyrsistent
  • pytz
  • six
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Werkzeug
  • zipp

Note: See backend/requirements.txt for a complete list of our depencies for Python

How to build

Backend (Python)

  1. Go into the backend folder
$ cd backend
  1. Create a python 3 virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv env
  1. Source the virtual environment
$ source env/bin/activate/
  1. Download and install python libraries
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the flask application
$ python run.py

Frontend (JavaScript)

  1. Go into the frontend folder
$ cd frontend
  1. Install frontend dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Start the react application
$ npm run build
