
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/jnlua-android

Primary LanguageC

Project structure

jnlua-android-0.9.6a - this is an android library
jnlua-android-testapp - this is a simple example app that runs a script using the library


This release is based on jnlua-0.9.6 and lua 5.1.5 sources

1. Lua sources were modified so that output will go to android log instead
   of stdout.
2. jnlua.c was modified so that it won't use global weak references due to 
   the behaviour of dalvik in android < 4.x where it immediately releases weak
3. Support for using java from lua was removed.


1. You can import the projects from Eclipse by going to File>Import and choosing
   Existing Projects (NOT Existing Android Projects)
2. Tested on android >= 2.2
3. You need to have ndk, get it from android developers site (google it)
   I've included an ndk builder configuration in the Eclipse projects
   which will compile jnlua native libs for armv7,armv6 and intel x86.

Cheers, Max Raskin.